First job has to be the production of a rough schedule to fit into the time frame allowed. The detail between each stage can be filled in later.
First stage and target for the end of July is:
- List all missing parts and instigate searches through contacts / eBay etc.
- Establish new parts / panels required for the body and decide on procedure
- Reference body to chassis with measurements and "pin hole" reference points etc.
- Remove Body and fit to temporary chassis jig.
- Decide on process to take complete body back to bare metal and instigate
- Deliver bare metal body to body shop for long term (1 Year ?) process
- Prepare workshop for next stage - Chassis strip.
There is some pretty boring stuff in the above list and the potential to stall at this early stage is high. The solution for me is to punctuate the boring stuff with interesting "sub-projects" i.e. restoring a particular part that simply takes your fancy. There is however, a golden rule - ONE BIT AT A TIME - The temptation to tear into and dismantle endless bits must be avoided at all cost. I'm sure that Europe and the USA are awash with failed restorations, where the next job is always seen as another bit to dismantle. The car is then sold on in bits and the next owner starts with even further dismantling!
So - Looking at the list above, finding the missing parts will be ongoing which takes us to an appraisal of the body - just how good is it? (note the glass half full approach)
From the A post forward every panel is straight and solid with a
little surface rust here and there. Some filler around bumper mounting
bolt holes, but bulkhead, wings and headlamp pods are excellent. |
Near side shut face pillar is in a pretty bad way, less so on off side. |
I suspect that the sills are "fastened" to the B post with filler / bondo
Rear-most inner part of both sills also rusted through. |
Bottom 12 inches of tonneau panel perforated - both sides |
Rear wings came off with only one cage nut braking out - unbelievable!
Inner wings all good but some "crud" where wing joins tonneau panel.
Sand blasting will doubtless sort the rust from the solid material.
Joining strip will probably need to be replaced.
Bottom edge of rear bulkhead will also need replacing.
Next job - time to start thinking about seperating the body from the chassis, but I need to be certain that it will go back in exactly the same place to maintain the tight panel gaps.